Air Freight Service
As an experienced international logistics freight forwarder, we offer efficient air freight services designed to meet our clients’ needs for timeliness and reliability. Whether it’s urgent documents, small packages, or special goods that require rapid transportation, we provide safe and fast air freight solutions. We have long-term partnerships with several airlines, ensuring high-quality air freight services globally. Additionally, our air freight service supports DAP (Delivered at Place) services, whether door-to-door or port-to-port, allowing customers to simply state their requirements and leave the rest to our professional team.
Sea Freight Service (LCL/FCL)
Our sea freight services include Less than Container Load (LCL) and Full Container Load (FCL) shipping, suitable for various types of cargo. For small volume shipments, our LCL service effectively reduces shipping costs while ensuring the safety and timely arrival of goods. For large volume shipments, we offer FCL shipping, ensuring the independence and safety of the cargo. We have partners in major ports worldwide, ensuring smooth customs clearance and on-time delivery.
Express Delivery Service (DHL/TNT/FEDEX/UPS)
We collaborate with internationally renowned courier companies such as DHL, TNT, FEDEX, and UPS to provide convenient and fast express delivery services. Whether it’s documents, small packages, or high-value goods, our express delivery service ensures safe and timely delivery. Customers can track their shipments in real-time through our full cargo tracking system.
FBA Transport Service
For Amazon sellers, we offer specialized FBA transport services. Whether by air, sea, or express, we ensure the safe delivery of goods to Amazon warehouses. Our services include purchasing agency, labeling, quality inspection, and customs clearance, ensuring that our clients’ goods meet Amazon’s inbound requirements.
Rail Transport Service
Our rail transport service is suitable for cross-border transport of bulk goods, especially advantageous in the European market. We collaborate with multiple international railway lines to offer economical and efficient transport solutions. Rail transport is faster than sea transport and more cost-effective than air transport, making it a balanced choice for speed and cost.
Road Transport Service
We offer extensive road transport services suitable for various types of goods over short and medium-long distances. Our experienced road transport team can flexibly handle various transport needs, ensuring the safe and timely delivery of goods.
Truck Delivery Service
Our truck delivery service ensures safe and timely delivery in the last mile of transportation. Whether from the airport or port to the warehouse, or directly to the customer’s specified location, our truck delivery service meets all customer requirements.
Overseas Warehousing Service
We provide overseas warehousing in multiple countries and regions globally, offering one-stop services such as storage, quality inspection, packaging, and labeling. Customers can store their goods in our overseas warehouses and flexibly manage their inventory according to market demand, reducing inventory pressure and logistics costs.
Purchasing Agency Service
We offer purchasing agency services to help clients procure high-quality products from around the world. Our experienced purchasing team strictly controls product quality, ensuring that clients receive satisfactory goods.
Dropshipping Service
For e-commerce sellers, we provide dropshipping services. Whether single items or bulk orders, we offer fast and accurate shipping. Customers can view inventory and shipping status in real-time through our system, improving operational efficiency.
All our services support full cargo tracking and visualized tracking, allowing customers to monitor their shipments’ status in real-time. We also offer strong customs clearance capabilities and a comprehensive compensation system, ensuring smooth customs clearance and timely handling of any issues to protect clients’ interests. We are committed to providing one-stop logistics solutions for our clients, meeting their needs for small parcels, special goods, or oversized items.